Benefiting both the farmer and the environment.

Growing up in rural Australia, Hayden Hollis always had a passion for agriculture and the land. As a local of Tamworth, NSW, he deeply loves and respects the farming industry.

After completing his education in Agronomy and gaining years of experience in the field, Hayden felt a strong desire to give back to the farming community.

He noticed that many farmers were frustrated with the complex and confusing services being offered and decided to do something about it.

Agricore Group was planted to provide a service for farmers that was easy to understand and follow, with clear outcomes that helped improve the efficiency and sustainability of their operations.

Hayden Hollis, Agricore Group.

With a focus on building solid relationships with each farmer, Hayden and his team of experts work closely with each client to develop customised solutions tailored to their unique needs. From soil analysis and crop management to technology and data analysis, Agricore Group is dedicated to helping farmers maximise their yields, save money and minimise their impact on the environment.

Today, Agricore Group is one of the leading Agronomy consultancies in Australia, trusted by farmers across the country to drive successful outcomes.

Agricore has a genuine passion for the land and a commitment to the farming industry with a focus on thinking like a plant; they aim to empower farmers by putting the needs of both the plants and the farmer at the forefront of their work.